What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a type of alternative medicine popularly used by physiotherapist that emphasizes the relationship between the body's structure and function. Osteopathic practitioners believe that the body has an inherent ability to heal itself and that the musculoskeletal system plays a central role in this process.
Osteopathic treatments typically involve manual manipulation of the musculoskeletal system, with the goal of restoring balance and promoting healing. Osteopaths are trained to assess the patient's overall health and well-being, and to use a variety of techniques, including soft tissue massage, stretching, and joint mobilization, to address specific problems. Osteopathic treatments can be used to alleviate pain and discomfort, improve range of motion and flexibility, and promote overall wellness.
Difference between conventional physiotherapy and osteopathy?
While osteopaths and physiotherapists can often perform similar roles in modern healthcare, they are different disciplines. Osteopaths are largely concerned with musculoskeletal well-being while physiotherapists are focused on rehabilitation for a much wider range of conditions.
The differences between Chiropractors, Osteopaths and Physiotherapists
- Chiropractors are trained to take and read x-rays which may be appropriate in cases such as trauma or pathology.
- Osteopaths are not trained in radiography or radiology, their therapeutic approach has more similarities to that of a chiropractor than differences. If an Osteopath requires further imaging they can easily request x-rays or scans at an imaging centre.
- Physiotherapy is a very broad-based training. Physiotherapists have to work with a diverse spectrum of conditions, ranging from breathing problems to post operative rehabilitation. Therefore, if you choose a physiotherapist for your back pain, we would suggest you choose a physiotherapist with a special interest in the field of back pain or spinal therapy. Traditionally, physiotherapists are less ‘hands on’ with their treatment of back pain, using more exercise-based approaches.
- The major difference between an Osteopath and a Chiropractor is that while the Chiropractor is primarily focused on the spine, joints and the muscles, an Osteopath is also concerned with the rest of the body.
Among the main indications of this type of therapeutic approach are those musculo-skeletal dysfunctions that occur with pain at the level of the spine and extremities and that are caused by trauma, accidents, repetitive movements, bad postures, Visceral function, stress, etc.
It can also be effective in the treatment of:
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Bruxism and temporo-mandibular occlusion problems
- Otitis
And in disorders:
- Circulatory
- Digestive
- Endocrine
- Traumatic
- Gynecological
- Pediatric functional type.
Although osteopathy is perhaps best known for the treatment of back pain (low back pain, neck pain, back pain, etc.), it can also be effective as a treatment for other types of symptoms such as:
- Musculoskeletal disorders: muscular contractures, tendonitis, etc.
- Respiratory disorders: recurrent colds, sinusitis, non-productive cough, respiratory difficulties, etc.
- Digestive disorders: irritable bowel, constipation, excess heartburn, abdominal cramps, etc.
- Genito-urinary disorders: incontinence, menstrual pains, dyspareunia, etc.
- Problems and follow-up of the pregnancy: back pain or sciatica, inguinal pain, swollen legs, etc.
- Pediatric disorders: congenital torticollis, sequelae derived from the application of orthodontics,
- Sleep disorders, hyperactivity, learning disabilities, growth disturbances, etc.
- Prevention of injuries and dysfunctions in the body, which may cause future discomfort.
- Improvement of the vital state.
- And others such as stress, tension headaches and generalized fatigue.
What are the benefits of osteopathy?
The focus of osteopathic treatment is to get to the root cause of your symptoms. After treatment you’re likely to experience a reduction in symptomatic pain and discomfort. This can have a remarkable effect on other aspects of your health and lifestyle. Alleviating pain and discomfort can lead to:
- Improved body function, flexibility, and mobility.
- A more restful, deeper sleeping pattern not interrupted by pain.
- An increase in your energy levels to help you function more adequately with home, work and leisure activities.
- A reduction in stress levels and muscle tension.
- A positive effect on your mood, memory and mental health.
- A general improvement to your overall health and sense of wellness.
AT KURE Osteopathic Services, we use a range of gentle, hands on techniques aimed at restoring your muscle function and improving joint movement and flexibility. Our techniques include:
- Soft tissue stretching and cross fibre/longitudinal massage therapy
- Sustained trigger point pressure
- Gentle joint manipulation
- Mobilisation techniques
- Muscle Energy techniques (MET)
- Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy
- Lymphatic drainage techniques
When it should not be used:
Osteopathic treatment is tailored to the individual patient. It is not recommended where there’s an increased risk of damage to the spine or other bones, ligaments, joints or nerves.
This means people with certain health conditions may not be able to have osteopathy, or may only be able to have gentler techniques.
These conditions include:
- osteoporosis
- fractures
- acute inflammatory conditions, such as some types of arthritis
- infections
- blood clotting disorders, such as haemophilia
- cancer
- multiple sclerosis (MS)
Osteopathy is also not recommended if you’re:
- taking blood-thinning medicines, such as warfarin
- having a course of radiotherapy
You can see an osteopath during pregnancy. But make sure you seek advice from your GP or midwife about your symptoms before you see an osteopath. You should also make sure you see an osteopath who specialises in muscle or joint pain during pregnancy.
Osteopaths are trained to use their clinical judgement to identify patients for whom osteopathic treatment is not appropriate.
Osteopathy is generally regarded as a safe treatment, although you may experience minor side effects, such as:
- mild to moderate soreness or pain in the treatment area
- headache
- fatigue
These effects usually develop within a few hours of a session and typically get better on their own within 1 or 2 days.
In rare cases, serious complications have been linked to therapies involving spinal manipulation, including osteopathy.
Contact at KURE CLINIC today to arrange a session with a senior physiotherapist to discuss a targeted treatment plan.