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Noticing an urge to scream through the pain and discomfort due to malalignment of the spinal structures of the upper back? We’ve got you covered. You might have a thoracic kyphosis but let your physiotherapist diagnose the real culprit. Covering what kyphosis could be, we need to learn about the normal curves of the vertebrae. The spine segment in the human body is segregated into seven cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic vertebrae, five lumbar vertebrae, five fused sacral vertebrae, and 3 to 5 fused coccyx vertebrae. The cervical and lumbar spine are usually curved inwards and the thoracic and sacral spine has an outward orientation of curve. Let us dive deep and know about kyphosis and available treatment options like physiotherapy and chiropractic.


When considering the normal curvature, the thoracic spine has a slight degree of forward curvature. But Kyphosis sets when there is an undue increase in the forward curvature of the spine. It is a progressive disorientation of the spinal column that can affect both children and adults. The progression is in reference to the further malalignment occurring at cervical and lumbar vertebral structures as a compensatory mechanism of load distribution and balancing the overall forward curve posture.


Kyphosis shows up in three general forms. The three subtypes of kyphosis are Scheuermann disease, Postural Kyphosis and congenital Kyphosis.

Pondering why an individual acquires a postural kyphosis, withholds the answer ie. maintaining a slouched posture for a long period. Slouching the back involves imbalances taking place in the set of muscles that sustain an erect posture. The front of your chest remains compressed and the back muscles are unduly stretched. The equilibrium is disturbed. Also, the ligamentous structures of the spine get weakened over time thereby ruining the thoracic curve.

Scheuermann disease also referred to as juvenile kyphosis, is the second other cause of kyphosis. Usually presetting before puberty, it can be defined as a structural deformity of the thoracic or the thoracolumbar spine segment. The striking difference between the two subtypes is that, unlike normal vertebral structures in postural kyphosis, individuals affected with Scheuermann disease have a structural deformity of vertebrae.

A congenital subtype of Kyphosis is explained as kyphosis that is present from birth. Congenital kyphosis is the least common subtype that occurs due to the abnormal development of spinal curves in the mother’s womb.

Besides the most usual causes listed above kyphosis could also develop post-injury, progressive ageing, slip disc, infection of the spine, osteoporotic spine, malignancies etc.


You can experience back pain that could be labelled from mild to severe, chronic fatigue in muscles, increased forward head posture, and painful range of motion. The individual can observe uneven shoulders. Some of you might develop a rounded appearance identical to a hump. Apart from that, you might experience some neurological symptoms like a tingling sensation, numbness down your arms, pain, muscle weakness and muscular spasms etc.


Goes without saying, Physiotherapy forms the necessary treatment option for treating kyphotic deformity. A typical physiotherapy session with us will cover proper assessment including observation of your posture, palpation and diagnostic tests that will further clarify the current picture of your deformity. A physiotherapist can help in decreasing faulty curves through proper education about posture, and ergonomic advice. The compromised anterior chest area because of often remaining in slouched posture, can cause breathing difficulties and thereby cause early fatigue. We ought to rule out such symptoms with a set of cardiovascular activities in your treatment. Additionally, not only in the case of postural kyphosis, physiotherapy is equally effective in the case of Scheuermann disease and kyphosis as a result of injury like spinal fractures. It oughts to improve the prognosis and levels up the quality of life. Your treatment session in our clinic would ensure you results where you will experience alleviation of your pain, discomfort and posture.


We enhance your physiotherapy session with proper diagnostic chiropractic techniques. Chiropractic treatment is a non-invasive (non-surgical) option that helps to improvise the faulty joint play between spinal structures. With some techniques, called motion and static palpation, we will evaluate you for the joint play between your spinal joints, tenderness and tightness. Chiropractic treatment can help you overcome and get rid of all your pain by alleviating inflammation and pain, optimising joint ranges, and reducing muscular spasms.

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