Kure Clinic

What is Stroke?

Stroke, also known as Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) is the sudden loss of neurological
function caused by an interruption of the blood flow to the brain.


There are two major types of Stroke – Ischemic & Hemorrhagic
Ischemic stroke: It is the most common type affecting about 80% of individuals with stroke.
This type of stroke results when a clot is formed in the brain and it blocks or impairs blood
flow, depriving the brain of essential oxygen and nutrients.
Hemorrhagic stroke: Occurs when blood vessels in the brain rupture, causing leakage of
blood in or around the brain.

Who is more prone to Stroke?

 Individuals with hypertension (Blood Pressure [BP]140/90 mm Hg or higher)
 Individuals with Diabetes mellitus
 Individuals with heart disease or abnormal heart rhythm
 Individuals with hypercholesterolemia (High cholesterol)
 Individuals with poor lifestyle and eating habits like Smoking, Physical inactivity and
 Women with early Menopause
 Family history of stroke.


First and foremost, visit your doctor. Update them with the condition and provide them with
proper history.
For Ischemic stroke, IV medications are a treatment of choice. If administered
intravenously, treatment with medications that can dissolve a clot must be started within
4.5 hours of the onset of symptoms. The sooner these medications are administered, the
better. The chances of survival increase with prompt treatment, which may help lessen the
problem. Moreover, a surgery can be performed to remove the clot or perhaps be treated
via endovascular procedures.

For Hemorrhagic stroke, medications to lower the blood pressure and the intra-cranial
pressure may be given firstly. Your treating doctor may suggest surgery in accordance to the
severity of the condition. If the bleeding area is large, they might need to operate it to
release the pressure. If a small clot (or Arteriovenous Malformation) is found in the
investigations, a doctor might check if its removable and then operate to rule out the risk of
rupture or future possibility of a hemorrhage.
How does Physiotherapy help?
Physiotherapists hold a very important role in the treatment of stroke. With their expertise
and vast knowledge of the condition, a physiotherapist can help bring out the best out of
the severe condition.
Strength training: A physiotherapist works on the residual muscle power in order to sustain
the condition and then lift it towards betterment. With personalized interventions, strength
training is done which has proven to be very beneficial for stroke patients.
Balance training: with impaired balance and co-ordination, a patient faces a lot of difficulty
in performing their Activities of Daily Living (ADL). A physiotherapist helps greatly with
making the person self-sufficient.
Rehabilitation programs: Incorporating a number of patient-centered interventions, a
physiotherapist plays a huge role in bringing a person back to (or close to) being their
normal self. With a combination of Exercise therapy, Electrotherapy and Manual therapy a
person with stroke can be made much better.

What is TIA?

TIA or Transient Ischemic Attack is a mini-stroke which shows stroke-like symptoms but
resolve within the course of 24 hours. It is body’s sign to slow down and check on the
routines one follow and make desired changes to avoid further adversities. After TIA
resolves, patients are left with Hemiparesis which takes some time to recover.

Difference between -Plegia and -Paresis

The two terms are used as a suffix with the name of the type of stroke disability a person
had. Plegia means Paralysis, in which there might be complete loss of function in all or part
of the body. For example:

1. Monoplegia- Complete loss of function and muscle strength in either one of the lower

2. Hemiplegia- Complete loss of function and muscle strength on entire one side of the
body, either left or right.

3. Diplegia- Both upper limbs may be affected.

4. Paraplegia- Lower half of the body is affected with loss of function and muscle strength
after stroke.

5. Quadriplegia- Most debilitating condition, in this the entire body undergoes loss of
function, there is huge loss of muscle strength and patient may get bedridden with
hardly any activity possible.

Paresis, on the other hand, refers to weakness and incomplete loss of function in the
affected part. It can also be referred to as Mild paralysis. Paresis has better prognosis and
can be recovered easily.

What kind of symptoms can you see in/after Stroke?

 Altered consciousness
 Dysphagia (inability to swallow or difficulty in swallowing)
 Cognitive dysfunction (like delirium and dementia)
 Disorders of speech and language
 Altered emotional status

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